
Balint Gyevai

Secretary General

Home Country: Hungary

Affiliation: Momentum and Belgium, MR and FEL

Bàlint Gyévai (BE/HU) started in LYMEC as delegate at the Helsinki Congress back in 2015. Since then he committed an important part of his time to LYMEC and to the benefit of the broader liberal family. In fact, he occupied many positions inside LYMEC. First as International Officer of FEL (Fédération des Etudiants libéraux) for 3 years then as delegate for the Individual Members’ Section and also as part of the Committee of Arbitrage and Discipline of our organization during the last year.

Beyond his activity in LYMEC, Bàlint studied Political Sciences at the Saint-Louis University of Brussels as his bachelor degree and European Studies at the ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles) as master degree. In addition, he is former Secretary General of Stand Up for Europe and co-founded the Jubel festival initiative (European Democracy festival).

He is passionate about both European and youth politics for many years. His main motivations are to contribute to a better future for all Europeans and to spread liberal values and ideas all over the Union and especially by triggering significant change through youth politics. He is a very positive and committed person fully dedicated to his new position and responsibilities.

He is also really concerned by the communication with the citizens and how we connect the European level efficiently with local realities. He therefore carried out a Bluebook traineeship at the Directorate-General for Communication at the European Commission.

During the last European Elections, he actively campaigned with Momentum Mozgalom to trigger change and strengthen liberalism in Hungary.