February 04 2023
Digital Assembly 2023 #1
February 04, 2023 at 10:00am - 1pm
Digital Assembly 2023 #1
Dear liberal friends,
Happy New Year! All the best for 2023!
It is time for our first LYMEC Digital Assembly of this year. This event (already our 6th) will take place online on Saturday, 4 February 2023 at 10 h CET (Brussels time). In an attempt to be more transparent to our member organisations, we would like to increase the amount of opportunities to meet the current leadership and to discuss together the main issues we are facing today in Europe.
The agenda will be as follows:
Part A will be dedicated to the Bureau presenting what has been done so far in the first part of the mandate (since the Autumn Congress in November 2022) and what the plans and actions for the coming months are, especially in light of the European Year of Skills 2023 and the continuous Russian invasion of Ukraine. This will be primarily an opportunity for delegations to ask questions and share their concerns with the current leadership. Questions or comments for Part A can be sent to [email protected] anytime ahead of the event or you can simply ask for the floor during the event.
Part B will deal with the latest proposals for resolutions of the working group on the renewal of our Policy book. We are focusing this time on the first part of Chapter 9 of our Policy book. The outcomes are available here (together with the archival proposal) and you will be able to submit your amendments and proposals for discussion to our Policy Officer ahead of the Assembly as well. This discussion will aim at finding compromises, creating alliances, exchange views and prepare the work for Congress. In no way the discussions will have a binding effect, resolutions will be debated and adopted at our next Congress. Amendments to resolutions should still be tabled for the Congress. However, the opinion of the Assembly will be transmitted as announcement during the working groups on resolutions taking place before the next Congress. All delegates will be able to intervene in the discussions following the rules of procedures in place. Questions or comments for Part B including your proposals/amendments can be directly sent to both [email protected] and [email protected].
The proposals/amendments should be:
- Specific
- Directly related to the outcomes of the policy book renewal
- Mention the sentence/words amended in the existing text
- Clearly specify the nature of the amendment (addition, replacement or deletion)
- Wording of the change should be clear
- Add a short justification (two sentences maximum)
- The meeting will start at 10 h CET (Brussels time) and end around 12 h 30 CET - TEMPTATIVE.
- The event will take place fully online on Zoom conferencing platform. The link will be sent to registered participants the days before the event.
- Registrations will open on Monday, 9 January 2023.
- End of the registrations: Friday, 20 January 2023 at 14 h pm (CET).
- Working group outcomes available: Monday, 23 January 2023, end of the day (CET).
- End submission of amendments to the proposals: Monday, 30 January 2023, end of the day (CET).
- Amended proposals shared with the delegates: Wednesday, 1 February 2023, end of the day (CET).
- Digital Assembly: Saturday, 4 February 2023 at 10 h am (CET).
Regarding registrations:
- Compulsory
- Registrations are now closed!
- LYMEC MOs and IMS only
- Up to 6 delegates can be registered for full member organisations
- Up to 3 delegates can be registered for associate member organisations
- Delegates and Steering Committee for IMS (in case of additional spaces more IMS might be accepted)
- Deadline to register is Friday, 20 January 2023 at 14 h pm (CET)
- Please wait for official confirmation of your attendance after the deadline
The event will be fully online and no participation fee will be requested.
Events organised by European Liberal Youth (LYMEC) may be audio- and video-recorded as well as web-streamed. A photographer and/or a cameraman, contracted by LYMEC, may have access to the meeting room in order to take pictures and videos for communication and publication purposes. Videos and pictures taken by the photographer and/or cameraman, contracted by LYMEC, may also be published on the LYMEC website and on related social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc.). They may also be used in other media and means of communication in order to pass on information about the event and activities of LYMEC.
***Disclaimer: By registering for this event you give your permission for LYMEC to use your picture in their promotional campaigns and materials and communication about the event. Please make clear in advance if you do not wish your picture to be used by LYMEC***