You can be an Individual LYMEC Member!
In some European countries there are no liberal youth organisations that could provide young liberally minded people the access to LYMEC. Also, some European idealists would like to work directly on the level of European politics even if they are already members of their national liberal youth organisations.
To those people the Individual Members’ Section (IMS) is a great opportunity to get direct access to LYMEC and its events. They can contribute to LYMEC working-groups and have the right to attend and speak at the congress.
Individual members, together with the Member organizations form the backbone of liberal youth politics in Europe. They elect their delegates to the congress via an online election in advance to the spring congress. All individual members that have paid their membership fee can vote at this election of the IMS-delegates to the LYMEC congress. The amount of IMS-delegates depends on the membership figures of the IMS. The more IMS there are, the more IMS-delegates can be elected.