
LYMEC Mission and Vision

As a result of the motion 10.25 ‘When great communicators come together, they create greater results’ adopted at the LYMEC Electoral Spring Congress in Prague 2022, for the first time LYMEC has launched a working group on Communications. The LYMEC Communications Team, set up in Autumn 2022, gathers dedicated IMS and members of LYMEC MOs, who are passionate about communications and responsible for promoting LYMEC's values, policies, and activities. 

The team members bring diverse skills and experience, including writing, graphic design and social media management. They work closely with LYMEC Board and Secretariat to develop compelling and effective communication materials that reflect LYMEC's values.

In January 2023, the Communications Team gathered online to define LYMEC’s vision and mission statements, among other things.

A mission statement is a concise summary of an organisation's purpose, goals, and values. A vision statement, on the other hand, is a future-oriented statement that describes the organisation's aspirations.

LYMEC's mission statement is:

We in LYMEC fight for freedom, democracy, equality and human rights everyday, by spreading our values and policies to create a European liberal future for the youth and to ensure that their voices are heard.

LYMEC's vision statement is:

A political home where young liberal individuals all over Europe can grow, share ideas and become the drivers for change.

The LYMEC Communications team is becoming an essential part of the organisation, and these two statements are a significant step towards improving the organisation's outreach and engagement with our members and the wider public.

Next Event

September 12 2024

Young Elected Local and Regional Leaders

+++ Register here before 8 July 2024 at noon! +++   Event timing: 12-13 September, 2024 Event address: Brussels, European Committee of the RegionsB...

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