Organizations Section Associate Membership

(1) The association consists of member organisations (MO) and individual members (IM). LYMEC has two types of member organisations: full members and associate members. LYMEC shall have a minimum of three full member organisations.

Representatives of associate member organisations of LYMEC have the right to:

  • attend LYMEC events;
  • speak;
  • propose amendments;
  • participate in a LYMEC working group;


To become an associate member of LYMEC any organisation must comply with the following criteria:

  • The organisation must be a national youth organisation, or a sub-regional youth organisation that is not part of a national organisation;
  • The organisation is not a member of any other pan-European political organisation that is not based on liberal, radical democratic ideas;
  • It must be run by and for young people;
  • It must be based in a European country;
  • It must agree with the aims of LYMEC as expressed in these Statutes and broadly agree with its Manifesto and Policy Book;


Furthermore, in order for an application to be considered by the Congress, the following requirements must have been fulfilled:

  • The applicant organisation must provide a copy of its Statutes or Constitution in its original form and a copy in the working language of LYMEC;
  • The applicant organisation must provide a copy of its Political Program, Manifesto or ideological standpoints in its original form and a copy in the working language of LYMEC;
  • The applicant organisation must provide details of its membership figures. The applicant must also state how it defines membership;
  • The applicant must declare any links (direct or indirect) with any other organisations and explain in full detail what form that link or dependence takes;


Applications for associate membership by the applicant organisation, as well as a Bureau report on the fulfilment of the above stated requirements must be submitted in writing to the Secretariat at least eight weeks prior to the All written material must thus be provided by the said deadline, and must be sent out to all members at least four weeks prior to the Congress. The application must be announced in the agenda of the Congress.

The Congress will decide upon the application by an absolute majority of those present and voting.