All people of all genders have the right to bodily autonomy. Denying women the right to safely and legally terminate a pregnancy is incompatible with the right to bodily autonomy. All women, regardless of their personal circumstances, should be empowered to make their own decisions about their pregnancies without external interference or condemnation. LYMEC therefore supports the provision of abortion upon request up to and including the 22nd week of pregnancy. In cases of rape, severe fetal abnormality or risk to the mother’s health, abortions should continue to be available after the 22nd week.
Academic Freedom
We are alarmed by growing interference by some European governments in the field of higher education and academic research. Freedom of speech and thought are core liberal values, and it is clear that these values are not always being respected within the EU. We call on the EU to take greater measures to support and respect academic freedom and research, as long as such research adheres to ethical guidelines.
Interest in the Arctic and the economic possibilities which it offers is growing. LYMEC calls for mandatory risk and environmental impact assessments as a prerequisite for any economic activity launched in the Arctic region. In particular, it is vital to respect and protect the Arctic’s indigenous populations and their ways of life.
Additionally, a proper EU strategy towards the Arctic is vital; emphasis should be placed on research and cooperation between Member States and third countries, to ensure that activity in the region is conducted responsibly and in a sustainable manner.