July 22 2016 - July 24 2016
SEMINAR: Bologna, Copenhagen and beyond: a European strategy for education
July 22, 2016 at 12:00am - July 24, 2016
SEMINAR: Bologna, Copenhagen and beyond: a European strategy for education
Is there a truly European strategy for education? Will there be one? This ELF workshop aims at answering these questions by gathering representatives from political student organizations and other liberal activists involved in their student organizations. Join us in Brussels to discuss the future of European education programs as well as to enjoy some exchange of best practices and capacity building for Liberal activists in the student networks. The deadline for applications is 8 July 16h00 CET. There is no participation fee and participants can apply for travel reimbursements up to 100 €. Accommodation (double rooms) and meals are included in the seminar. What? ELF Seminar When? 22-24 July 2014 Where? Brussels, Belgium Who? Representatives of student organisations that are members of LYMEC, other LYMEC members actively involved in student politics. Tentative program: 22 July 16h00-16h30 Introduction and Presentations 22 July 16h30-18h30 Exchange of experiences: participants present their organizations and political context. 22 July 18h30-19h00 Concluding remarks on how international Liberal organizations can help student activists 23 July 09h00-10h30 Bologna Process: an assessment 23 July 11h00-12h30 Copenhagen process: how far are we in developing a Vocational Education and training system? 23 July 14h00-15h00 Measuring who performs better and who performs worse, and why? 23 July 15h00-16h00 Educational revolution: introducing Coding and Entrepreneurship 23 July 16h30-18h00 Designing and Developing a European strategy for Education 23 July 18h00-18h30 Closing remarks Launch of the ELSN Working Group NB: Please indicate which student organisation you are representing / affiliated with in the comments when enrolling. Spaces to this seminar are limited to 20. Please don't book your travels before you have received a confirmation that your application was accepted. Also note that you have to be logged in to register. Individual Members can register themselves, but members of member organisations have to ask their International Officer to register them.