
On November, 21 unexpected developments have happened concerning Ukraine-Eu negotiations. The planned visit of European Commissioner Stefan Fülle to Ukraine cancelled. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has suspended the process of preparation for the conclusion of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and European Union. The document was signed by Prime Minister Mykola Azarov came to public on the official website of the higher executive body.

As stated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the suspension is necessary for “a more detailed study and development of set of measures to restore the lost production volumes and directions of trade and economic relations with the Russian Federation.”
The opposition claims that billions have been gained Yanukovych from Russia during closed negotiations with Putin previous days. Faction leader “Batkivschina”, Arsenij Yatsenyuk, said that President Viktor Yanukovych “bargained” from Putin 20 billion US Dollars, some of which will be aimed to fake presidential elections in Ukraine in 2015.
Ukrainian citizens denounce and speak against government’s decision to stop the process of

After these events on the night of November 22 from 1,000 to 2,000 people gathered to express dissatisfaction with the government’s decision to suspend the preparations for the signing of an association agreement with the EU at the Independence Square in Kiev, later the number increased till 3 thousand protesting.
Several clashes with the police happened on the same day, in particular, the conflict occurred due to attempts to installation by Kiev local authorities Christmas houses and metal shields for Christmas tree on Independence Square, where protesters gathered. The number of protesters constantly increases; people come from all over Ukraine to support the European integration of their country.

November 27, President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych clapped to peaceful protest against the suspension of European integration, but he also expressed the doubt that it is not going to speed up the process.

Wave of demonstrations for support of European integration of Ukraine  has swept across the world: Almost all regions of Ukraine people go on streets with EU flags and actively support the idea of EU integration.

November 29, Ukrainian delegation comes to Kiev without any success at the EU Summit. Agreement was not signed, although the European side was open to cooperation and negotiations. At the same night protesters were violated by police in Kiev.

On November 30, around 4 am, special unit of police “Berkut” dispersed the protesters by force and serious violations. Peaceful protesters were heavily beaten by 2000 military officers. 35 persons turned for medical treatment, 7 of them were hospitalized. For today about 80 people need medical help after violations at Independence Square. Party of Regions (the governing party) claims that the real reason of using force were the protesters, who prevented the construction of a Christmas tree and ice skating rink on the Independence square.

December 1 Several hundred thousand people gather in the city center of Kiev to discuss the further plan of actions against the regime under leadership of the main oppositional parties. The issue is not European integration anymore, but human rights, democracy and collapsing the regime of self-will of oligarchs and authorities controlled by them. People demand impeachment of the president dismissal of the government.

The protesters captured administrative buildings in the center of Kyiv, such as  Kyiv City State Administration and the House of Trade Unions of Ukraine, where headquarters of national resistance action are being set down. At the same time provocateurs start to escalade the office of the President by bulldozer. Some people in masks threw stones and bombs from the crowd. Police used noise grenades and tear gas, but not dispersed people. It is still unclear, how bulldozer could get to the building of the Presidential Administration.

December 5 Viktor Yanukovych goes to China for an official visit, after which he heads directly to the residence of Vladimir Putin in Sochi. One can only guess what the outcomes of the 6 hours long conversation are. “President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych signed a strategic agreement with Russia, which includes a commitment to join the Customs Union”, wrote the editor of The Economist Edward Lucas, citing his own sources.

December 8,  Antigovernment protesters pulled down a statue of Soviet state founder Vladimir Lenin in central Kyiv.

December 9.  Protesters expect force attacks by  police special forces in  Kyiv.  In the evening, police raided the office at the oppositional party “Batkivchyna”. In addition, the chief independent journalists announced that unidentified security forces seized computers from the office of media on the same street.
Employees of the internal troops blocked the roadway near Khreschatyk Street.

Khreschatyk Street, where the Kyiv City Hall occupied by protesters, is also blocked buses with police officers, of which about 200 soldiers came in full gear, helmets and with shields and start to range in rank.  What will happen further and what scenario will Yanukovich choose is not clear yet.

December 11. Tonight,for the second time in 20 days of peaceful actions in  Ukraine force was applied by authorities against protesters. This time on the night of December 11 special divisions of Ukrainian military forces blocked access to office buildings, where the collection point and nutrition of protesters was organized and punished people in the streets. However, neither the President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych , nor other officials did not give any comments on the events.
Anna Rovgochenko and Julia Rudenko

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