Today the European Commission put forward its plan for a new recovery instrument, the “Next Generation EU” initiative, embedded in a revamped long-term EU budget proposal.“The boldest measures are the safest for the future” said President Ursula von der Leyen.The Commission President proposed a “Generational pact” for the future benefit of Europe’s young generation – a generation “that is globally connected, feels responsible for our world, with clear vision to promote human dignity and the rule of law, driven by idealism for Europe and the belief that our Union must strive for better”. But pacts are made when both sides have equal say. LYMEC therefore insists that young people will be included on a level playing field in the work of the Conference for the future of Europe. Because even the best instrument is just a plaster and we need fundamental treatments for Europe’s wounds. We cannot fix problems of the future with temporary ideas or ideas from the past. We cannot continue with business as usual, and we cannot allow the transformative power of this crisis to go to waste. If actions are taken in the name of our future, the young people of Europe cannot only be a colourful background of the big European debate.Because “boldest measures are the safest for our future”, and who if not young people knows how to be bold and daring.Long live Europe indeed!
Antoaneta Asenova
LYMEC President
Statement - NextGenerationEU