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World Youth Skills Day

15 July 2023 by
World Youth Skills Day
Office LYMEC
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Today, July 15 is the World Youth Skills Day that emphasizes the importance of equipping young people with skills for employment and entrepreneurship. Having in mind that this is the #EuropeanYearOfSkills, LYMEC emphasizes the importance of digital education to equip the European youth with competitive skills. We also advocate for more flexible opportunities for young people entering the labor market and the removal of barriers to free movement to address the imbalance of labor supply and demand in Europe.

LYMEC believes that to address the skills gap and an aging population, there is a need to expedite the recognition of vocational degrees across member states. Mutual recognition and a well-functioning labor market are essential to combat high youth unemployment in the European Union. Improving labor mobility across the EU borders will address the skills mismatch and promote the exchange of innovation and knowledge.

The European Institutions and Member States should invest in education to develop the skills necessary to adapt to the digital revolution. Non-formal learning is equally important as traditional education, as theoretical learning alone cannot provide the skills needed for employment.

in News
World Youth Skills Day
Office LYMEC 15 July 2023
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