Innovation: Necessity and Challenge for military
We would like to invite you to the LYMEC Security & Cyber Working Group webinar - Innovation: Necessity and Challenge for military.
The speaker is Mr. Olaf Kellerhoff - Global Leadership & Team Coach, former FNF Project Director (Pakistan and Morocco, 2008-2020) and a paratrooper with peacekeeper experience in Kosovo and Afghanistan (1992-2007).
After the speech will be a QA session - feel free for questions and discussion!
"Though many stunning inventions have been coming out of military labs – internet, GPS, microwave etc. – this uniform institution is per se closed and conservative.
Thus, this system has itself difficulties adapting innovation and going through substantial transformations. Mainly politicians need to know that and direct changes - including the self-image of the army and its men and women. However, mostly politicians are lacking this strategic direction and prove unable to play their role.
And for the future, soldiers face even higher challenges due to societal changes they are victims of: fear of responsibility and decision combined with low attention spans will make it harder and harder to the quicker intervals of changes of the VUCA world."
When: February, 22 at 7.00 - 8.00 pm CET
Where: Zoom
Are you a member of the LYMEC Member Organization and would like to join the LYMEC Security & Cyber community? Feel free to write our co-ordinators Jaroslav Amroz ( or Yaroslav Vasylyuk (
See you!