LYMEC Alumni Network General Assembly 2023
You were part of LYMEC but unfortunately you have passed the upper age limit? You want to reconnect with old friends? You would want to support and contribute to the growth of the European Liberal Youth? Then, for all these reasons the LYMEC Alumni Network is for you!
Dear LYMEC alumni,
The time has come for our yearly General Assembly to elect a new leadership and discuss future plans. The Assembly will take place on Tuesday, 27 June at 18:00 as a hybrid meeting.
For those attending in person, the address is Rue d’Idalie 11, 2nd floor, 1050 Ixelles (ALDE/LYMEC HQ, use the arrows on the intercom to call “ALDE Campaign”). For those attending online, there is a link to connect available to the Alumni members.
Draft agenda of the Assembly:
1) Opening and report by the President
2) Membership fee for 2023
3) Elections new leadership
4) AOB
The Assembly can only be attended by those that are registered as members (by 25 June), and as registered members you will have the right to vote.
If you are not yet registered as a member but would like to join the network and attend the GA, please register here (by 25 June).
Due to the extraordinary circumstances we were in at the last GA in October 2021, the GA decided to wave off membership fees for all members up until the next Assembly. Please note that there is a proposal to introduce a membership fee as of this GA.
You will also have a chance to present yourself as candidates for the board of the Alumni network. All positions are up for election (President, Secretary General, Treasurer + other potential posts).
In case you are interested in running for a board position, please inform the board at by sending a short motivation. Please highlight your past contribution(s)/involvement with LYMEC.
The event will be followed by a drink at Vester bar located at Place du Luxembourg starting 19 h 30.
Save the date and see you soon!