Values First? Promoting EU norms through trade!
US President Donald Trump has shaken the foundations of global trade, slapping steep tariffs on billions of dollars’ worth of goods from the EU and putting into question liberal international economic order. While on the other side China pivots ahead with aggressive international trade regime in Africa promoting alternative models of governance and values. As one of the EU’s overarching objectives in international trade is to promote human rights and universal values the proposed project aims to explore current international trade developments and how the core values of the EU are reflected in (free)trade agreements and investments with third countries. The idea is to gather the thoughts of young liberals on international trade and condense them into a policy book that will be distributed and communicated to European decision-makers including the liberal Members of the European Parliament. The participants are asked to write essays on the topic that will later be compiled to a publication. To explore those topics, the European Liberal Forum (ELF) is organizing a seminar with the support of LYMEC and Stichting Internationaal Democratisch Initiatief (Stichting IDI) in Luxembourg between 6 to 8 March 2020.
Draft Programme: Friday 6 March 15 h - Welcome and objective settings 15 h 30 - International trade and the role of the EU in setting global norms and standards 17 h 00 - Visit of the Parliament 18 h 30 - Doha Development Agenda - where does Europe stand? at the Parliament of Luxembourg 19 h 30 - Dinner Saturday 7 March 9 h 00 - Liberal perspective on international trade 10 h 30 - Trade and human rights - challenges and opportunities for liberals 11 h 30 - Coffee break 11 h 45 - Trade wars - what is at stake? 13 h 00 - Lunch 14 h 00 - Discussion of the essays 15 h 00 - Speech by the President of the Democratic Party of Luxembourg 15 h 30 - Coffee break 16 h 00 - Towards an ELF publication 18 h 00 - Conclusions 19 h 30 - Dinner Sunday 8 March Travels back
Session topics:
- International trade and the role of the EU in setting global norms and standards
- EU trade policy in the twenty-first century
- Trade wars - what is at stake?
- Trade and human rights - challenges and opportunities for liberals
- Liberal perspective on international trade
- International trade - current developments and the case of the WTO
- Normative Power EU and international trade
- Communicating international trade : how do we explain trade deals better.
Please write on perspectives related to these topics because this workshop will include sessions with experts on the different topics, as well as contributions from the participants themselves. The participants will be required to draft a paper of minimum 750 and maximum 1000 words on the topic when applying for the workshop. The essays will be presented during the event and will later be part of a publication. Participants are chosen according to the quality of their papers.
- Original work, minimum 750 and maximum 1000 words.
- Word file, rectified margins, Times New Roman 12, space 1.5.
- Include references, data research and possibly – links to online sources – both as footnotes (using the references option in Word) and as a complete reference list at the end of the paper.
- Give your essay an attention-grabbing title
- Write a short introduction of four lines maximum, introduce your argument by setting the context. Establish your context for writing the argument and the context for your topic.
- End your contribution with a clear set of proposals (policy recommendations)
- Useful ELF guidelines are available.
- See example of existing ELF publications here!
APPLICATION PROCESS: Fill in the form on LYMEC’s website (only valid for LYMEC Member Organisations and Individual Members of LYMEC; members of ELF organisations and ALDE Party individual members should contact their respective offices) and send your essay in Word file to There are no participation fees. Participants will have food and accommodation covered during the seminar. Travels will be reimbursed up to 135 euro/person (after all travel documents and a reimbursement form have been sent to the LYMEC office). Travels are reimbursed only if participating fully in the event. Participants must be 18 years or older. Please note that you have to be logged in to register for the event. Individual members can register themselves, members of member organisations have to be registered by their International Officer. Deadline for applications was Monday, 27 January 2020 at 16 h Brussels time (CET). Only registrations accompanied by a paper sent to by the deadline for registrations will be considered. Do not book any travels before receiving an official confirmation from the LYMEC office that your application has been accepted. If you experience problems with the registration, please contact LYMEC reserves the right to issue a late cancellation fee of up to 75 euros for cancellations later than 2 weeks prior to the event, and a no-show fee of 100 euros for cancellation later than 48 hours prior to the event. All cancellations must be done in writing to
Events organised by European Liberal Youth (LYMEC) may be audio- and video-recorded as well as web-streamed. A photographer and/or a cameraman, contracted by LYMEC, may have access to the meeting room in order to take pictures and videos for communication and publication purposes. Videos and pictures taken by the photographer and/or cameraman, contracted by LYMEC, may also be published on the LYMEC website and on related social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc.). They may also be used in other media and means of communication in order to pass on information about the event and activities of LYMEC. The European Liberal Forum might also use the pictures, video or audio in their communications. ***Disclaimer: By registering for this event you give your permission for LYMEC and European Liberal Forum to use your picture in their promotional campaigns and materials and communication about the event. Please make clear in advance if you do not wish your picture to be used by LYMEC or ELF.***