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Registrations Closed

Young Leaders' Meeting 2021

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Registrations are now closed for this event. 


This European Liberal Forum (ELF) seminar will bring together liberal youth leaders from across Europe to discuss the important topic of institutional reform and the Future of Europe especially through the current exercise of the Conference on the Future of Europe. The event is exclusively aimed at Presidents (or if they are not available then one Vice-President can represent) of LYMEC member organisations, as well as the Steering Committee of the IMS.

This event is supported by Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF), Academy of Liberalism, Indítsuk Be Magyarországot Foundation and Stichting Internationaal Democratisch Initiatief (Stichting IDI).


Session topics

  • The Conference on the Future of Europe
  • Best practice sharing on the institutional reform of the EU
  • Capacity-building on what the Conference is and what concrete goals to achieve at the end
  • Round-table discussion on the topic of the seminar
  • Common call for action about the conference (few months after the launch) – how to be more impactful? what to do?
  • Network building and how to use the network
  • LYMEC proposals and online digital platform


This seminar is free of charge for the participants (accommodation is included), and we offer a travel reimbursement of up to 180 Euros (including PCR tests if any) per person upon completion of the relevant form and presentation of required documents (tickets, invoices, boarding pass …). The event is taking place in Bucharest, Romania. 


Registrations opened on Monday, 28 June 2021. 

Deadline to register was Thursday, 15 July 2021 at 16 h CEST (Brussels time). 

Registrations are now closed. 

Applicants cannot be candidates at elections (at any level of governance) before, during and 12 months after the YLM takes place. 

In case this requirements can't be fulfilled, a fee would apply even if the election is called after the YLM. 



Due to COVID-19, we are constantly monitoring the situation and assessing the feasibility of the in-person event. For the time being, the event is set to take place in Bucharest. In any case, do not book any travels before receiving an official confirmation that your application has been accepted. This won’t happen before end of July. 


The event is exclusively aimed at the Presidents of LYMEC member organisations as well as the SC of the IMS.


As all LYMEC events, this seminar also applies the rules of late cancellation and no show fees: Cancellation less than 2 weeks prior to the event leads to a late cancellation fee of 50 euro, and cancellation less than 48 hours prior to the event or not attending at all leads to a late cancellation fee of 75 euro.

Participants need to be minimum 18 years old at the start of the event (and not older than 35) . Do not book any travels before receiving an official confirmation email from the LYMEC office. By registering for this event you agree to our updated privacy policy and understand that your personal data will be shared with the European Liberal Forum for administrative purposes, as well as with the hotel.


Do not book any travels before receiving an official confirmation that your application has been accepted.


Events organised by European Liberal Youth (LYMEC) may be audio- and video-recorded as well as web-streamed. A photographer and/or a cameraman, contracted by LYMEC, may have access to the meeting room in order to take pictures and videos for communication and publication purposes. Videos and pictures taken by the photographer and/or cameraman, contracted by LYMEC, may also be published on the LYMEC website and on related social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc.). They may also be used in other media and means of communication in order to pass on information about the event and activities of LYMEC. The European Liberal Forum might also use the pictures, video or audio in their communications.

***Disclaimer: By registering for this event you give your permission for LYMEC and European Liberal Forum to use your picture in their promotional campaigns and materials and communication about the event. Please make clear in advance if you do not wish your picture to be used by LYMEC or ELF.***