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Young Leaders' Meeting 2023

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This event is set to take place in Vilnius, Lithuania from 22 to 24 September 2023.

Registrations are now closed! 


This European Liberal Forum (ELF) seminar is set to take place in Vilnius, Lithuania, from 22 - 24 September 2023 and aims to develop key proposals for the youth in 2024.

The Young Leaders’ Meeting 2023 is exclusively aimed at Presidents of LYMEC member organisations, as well as the Steering Committee of the IMS and will focus on visions for the future from the youth perspective, organisation growth and broadening outreach. By gathering all the young leaders, this event also ensures a broad support in working together in reaching the objectives liberals see as important for Europe, especially ahead of the next EU elections and as a follow-up to the European Year of the Youth 2022. 

Aside from that, this event also aims to address the challenges faced by young liberals all over Europe by bringing their leadership together on common concerns before sharing their takeaways in the local communities as multipliers.


Expected outcomes

  • Exchange of innovative methods for political advocacy
  • Review that reflects on the European Year of Youth 2022 and gives the youth vision for 2024  - to be published as a call to action with at least 4 key proposals 
  • Blogpost for LYMEC’s online magazine Libertas
  • Organisational growth and broadening outreach - best practice session 


The sessions during the event include:

  • Reflecting on the European Year of Youth 2022 - what's next? 
  • Best practice sharing session on organisational growth and broadening outreach
  • Framing your policies towards impactful proposals for the youth in 2024
  • Roundtable discussion on the youth vision for 2024 and beyond 
  • Different shades of liberalism - the case of the Stuttgart Declaration 
  • LYMEC vision for a liberal future 



  • Registrations are now closed! 
  • The applicant must be between 18 and 35 years of age.
  • The event is exclusively aimed at Presidents (or if they are not available then one Vice-President can represent) of LYMEC Member Organisations, as well as the Steering Committee of the IMS.

An address must be specified for a map to be embedded


Travel reimbursement and no participation fee

There will be no participation costs, meals and accommodation will be fully covered.

There will be at least partial travel refunds up to 250 euros per person, participants must buy their own tickets and request a reimbursement after the event. Please keep all original receipts, tickets, invoices and boarding passes.

Participants need to be at least 18 years old at the start of the event. By registering for this event you agree to our updated privacy policy and understand that your personal data will be shared with the European Liberal Forum for administrative purposes. You also agree your name to appear during the online event to other participants and to a broader public during live-streamed sessions.


Cancellation and fees: 

If a participant cancels participation within three (3) weeks before the starting date of the

event, the participant will be charged a cancellation fee of:

  • 50 euros, if participation is cancelled between two (2) and three (3) weeks prior to
    the start of the event;
  • 75 euros, if participation is cancelled between two (2) weeks and forty-eight (48)
    hours prior to the start of the event. 

Cancellation within 48 hours prior to the event is considered a no-show:

  • If a participation fee was charged for the event, a no-show fee of 50 euros will be charged on
    top of the participation fee.
  • If no participation fees were charged for the event, a no-show fee of 100 euros will be


In order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) the personal data provided will be used exclusively by ELF in order to fulfil its legal obligations under European and Belgian law with regards to project administration and accountable public spending. By signing this form, participants confirm their participation in this event, agree to providing all necessary data and consent to the use of this data exclusively for the before-mentioned purpose. If a participant opts not to provide the data required, participation to the event may be revoked by ELF or the party implementing the project. The participant can at any time notify ELF if he/she wants access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of the processing of said data by contacting

Photographs will be taken at the event for current and future publicity purposes. By registering to this event, you consent to ELF photographing and using your image.


The event is organised bu the European Liberal Forum and supported by LYMEC - European Liberal Youth.