Documentation page 2021 Autumn Congress



22-24 October 2021, PARIS

Novotel – Gare de Lyon – Paris, France


Agenda is available here!


  1. Opening speech by LYMEC President
  2. Guest speeches
  3. Roll call and voting rights
  4. Election of Congress chairs, secretaries and scrutineers
  5. Adoption of the agenda
  6. Adoption of minutes from the Online Congress Spring 2021
  7. Urgency of resolutions (in case of urgency resolutions handed in)
  8. Snap vote on the order of resolutions (with presentation of resolutions)
  9. Bureau reports and debate about the reports -Antoaneta Asenova-Bihlmayer (President) - Dan-Aria Sucuri (Vice-President) - Marten Porte (Treasurer) - Ines Holzegger (Outreach and Cooperation Officer) - Marina Sedlo (Policy Officer) - Laia Comerma (Events Officer) - Ida-Maria Skytte (Communications Officer)
  10. Secretary General report and debate about the report
  11. Conference on the Future of Europe – updates and discussion with the membership 
  12. Finances:  Requests for reduced membership fee, debt reductions and payment plans (for decision) (None) Interim Financial Report 2021 (for information)Revised budget 2021 (for information) - Interim internal audit report (for information) - Proposed membership fees 2022 (for decision) Draft budget 2022 (for decision)
  13. Membership issues
    1. Applications for Associate Membership (None) 
    2. Applications for Full Membership - USR Tineret - Bureau reportManifesto (RO/EN) + Statutes (RO/EN) + Application (EN)
    3. Suspensions - Youth Circle of SMC (Slovenia) / Mladi LDP (Serbia) / Mlade Liberali Bosnia and Herzegovina
    4. Disaffiliations (None) 
  14. Elections – LYMEC delegation to the ALDE Party Congress (learn more about the candidates)
  15. Presentation and vote on the outcomes of the policy book renewal working group
  16. Motions
  17. Resolutions (See OpenSlides) 
  18. Online ALDE Party Congress 2021: report from delegation
  19. Reports from Member Organisations, IMS, the Committee of Discipline and Arbitrage, IFLRY representative and LYMEC Working Groups
  20. Any other business
  21. Closing from LYMEC President




This event is co-funded by the Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament.