22-24 October 2021, PARIS
Novotel – Gare de Lyon – Paris, France
- Opening speech by LYMEC President
- Guest speeches
- Roll call and voting rights
- Election of Congress chairs, secretaries and scrutineers
- Adoption of the agenda
- Adoption of minutes from the Online Congress Spring 2021
- Urgency of resolutions (in case of urgency resolutions handed in)
- Snap vote on the order of resolutions (with presentation of resolutions)
- Bureau reports and debate about the reports -Antoaneta Asenova-Bihlmayer (President) - Dan-Aria Sucuri (Vice-President) - Marten Porte (Treasurer) - Ines Holzegger (Outreach and Cooperation Officer) - Marina Sedlo (Policy Officer) - Laia Comerma (Events Officer) - Ida-Maria Skytte (Communications Officer)
- Secretary General report and debate about the report
- Conference on the Future of Europe – updates and discussion with the membership
- Finances: Requests for reduced membership fee, debt reductions and payment plans (for decision) (None) - Interim Financial Report 2021 (for information) - Revised budget 2021 (for information) - Interim internal audit report (for information) - Proposed membership fees 2022 (for decision) - Draft budget 2022 (for decision)
- Membership issues
- Applications for Associate Membership (None)
- Applications for Full Membership - USR Tineret - Bureau report + Manifesto (RO/EN) + Statutes (RO/EN) + Application (EN)
- Suspensions - Youth Circle of SMC (Slovenia) / Mladi LDP (Serbia) / Mlade Liberali Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Disaffiliations (None)
- Elections – LYMEC delegation to the ALDE Party Congress (learn more about the candidates)
- Presentation and vote on the outcomes of the policy book renewal working group
- Motions
- Resolutions (See OpenSlides)
- Online ALDE Party Congress 2021: report from delegation
- Reports from Member Organisations, IMS, the Committee of Discipline and Arbitrage, IFLRY representative and LYMEC Working Groups
- Any other business
- Closing from LYMEC President
This event is co-funded by the Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament.