Documentation page - Spring Congress 2023 - Budapest



5-7 May 2023, Budapest

European Youth Centre in Budapest, Hungary (EYCB) – Hybrid


  1. Opening speech by LYMEC President
  2. Guest speeches
  3. Roll call and voting rights
  4. Election of Congress chairs, secretaries and scrutineers
  5. Adoption of the agenda
  6. Adoption of minutes from the Bucharest Autumn Congress 2022          
  7. Urgency of resolutions (in case of urgency resolutions handed in)
  8. Snap vote on the order of resolutions (with presentation of resolutions)
  9. Secretary General report and debate about the report
  10. European Year of Skills 2023 – discussion
  11. Finances: Requests for reduced membership fee: Alliance Youth (100 EUR) - Nowoczesna Youth (100 EUR) - European Youth of Ukraine (120 EUR). Debt reductions and payment plans (for decision), Financial Report 2022 (for decision)Interim financial report January-April 2023 (for information), Internal audit report (for information), Revised budget 2023 (for information), External audit report (for information)Update of the Financial Protocol 2023 (for decision)
  12. Bureau reports (including IFLRY representative) and debate about the reports: Dan-Aria Sucuri (President), Ines Holzegger (Vice-President), Tuuli Helind (Treasurer), Laia Comerma (Policy officer), Ellinor Juth (Communications officer), Alexandre Servais (Project and events officer), Tanzer Yuseinov (Trainings and outreach officer) + Marten Porte (IFLRY representative). 
  13. Membership issues
    1. Applications for Associate Membership - Liberal Alliances Ungdom (Denmark): Application, Statutes, Manifesto - Project Neon (Greece): Application, Statutes, Manifesto - Gibanje Svoboda Mladi (Slovenia): Application, Statutes, Manifesto - Democratic Youth of Kosovo: Application, Statutes, Manifesto - CUB Junior (Moldova): Application, Statutes, Manifesto
    2. Applications for Full Membership - Ze Molodizhka - ZM (Ukraine): Application, Statutes, ManifestoMladí Progresívci - MPS (Slovakia): Application, Statutes, Manifesto.
    3. Suspensions - Youth Forum AKR (Kosovo)
    4. Disaffiliations - National Congress Youth (Armenia) - Mladi LDP (Serbia) - Musavat Youth Organisation (Azerbaijan) - Lift (Hungary). 
  14. Changes to the Congress rules
  15. Presentation and vote on the outcomes of the policy book renewal working group - directly on Openslides
  16. Motions (including Code of Conduct and Electoral Manifesto) - directly on Openslides
  17. Resolutions - directly on Openslides
  18. Reports from Member Organisations, IMS, the Committee of Discipline and Arbitrage and LYMEC Working Groups
  19. Any other business
  20. Closing by LYMEC President