
Ines Holzegger


Home Country: Austria

Affiliation: JUNOS

Territorial Responsibilities: Austria and Ukraine

Before being elected to the LYMEC Bureau, Ines served as vice-president of the Austrian liberal students (JUNOS Studierende) and as member of the national board of JUNOS (Junge Liberale NEOS) as International Officer and was responsible for the contact with the Austrian youth council. Furthermore, she was part of the youth campaign board for two parliamentary elections and stood as a candidate in both of these elections, as well as in the European parliamentary elections.

Ines currently studies Public Sector Innovation and eGovernance in Belgium (KU Leuven), Germany (WWU Münster) and Estonia (TalTech) after having finished her teacher’s education in English and History (Mag. Phil.) at the University of Vienna.

Her (political) passion on a national and international level is digitalization, education, and the fight for democracy and freedom.