
Same-Sex Marriage

Discrimination against individuals based on sexual or gender orientation is incompatible with liberal values. LYMEC regrets that certain EU Member States still do not allow same-sex couples to enter marriage and that civil partnerships and other legally-recognised partnerships do not always confer the same benefits as marriage. We believe strongly that all forms of contractual partnership must be given equal status and confer equivalent rights as heterosexual marriage; furthermore, we urge the European Commission to amend the Founding Treaties to introduce same-sex marriage in all Member States.

Scientific Research

We recognise that scientific research offers new possibilities and opportunities to both individuals and societies, and that it is crucial that Europe does not fall behind when it comes to the development of new technologies. We also recognise that academic freedom is an indispensable component of ethical scientific progress. We thus call upon the EU to respect and support the freedom of ethically acceptable research, and to ensure that religious, ideological and political interference are not permitted to stand in the way of work that offers a genuine chance at enhancing and improving human life.


The right to self-determination of all people is contained in, among others, the Charter of the United Nations. LYMEC calls upon all European Member States to recognise this right and to commit to solving questions of self-determination through peaceful and democratic means, always considering the importance of respecting the rule of law and fundamental human rights. We call upon the EU to act as a facilitator in cases where a dialogue between states and regions in cases where dialogue within a legal framework has collapsed.

Sexual and Reproductive Rights

We believe strongly that all people- including youth - have the right to make free and informed choices about their sexual and reproductive rights. This includes the right to access impartial information, supplies and services that enable these choices. We believe that tackling reproductive health issues is a crucial part of tackling global famine and poverty and building a more sustainable future. We therefore call for the provision of safe abortions for women with unwanted pregnancies, as well as the provision of reliable and affordable contraceptives.


LYMEC calls on the European Union to promote both the achievement of higher studies and the setting up of new businesses, as young people need a clear legal status  to achieve their studies and work as an entrepreneur simultaneously, as well as advice in setting up their own business. The European Commission should officially recognize the "student-entrepreneur" status and inscribe this system in its Youth and Job Strategies.