
The European Union is at a crossroad and has been for the better part of the decade. It has withstood many crises in the past, but today it’s future is uncertain.

Throughout Europe people and in particular young are now concerned about their collective future. In recent British referendum roughly 75 per cent of those aged between 18 and 24 voted to “remain” in the European Union. While the British referendum has shaken the European political foundation it has also revealed that young people have a different vision for Europe.

The current state of affairs requires an immediate and unwavering response from European youth. The idealism of young people can pressure the establishment to change direction for Europe.


As young Europeans we must make sure that European leaders work towards our shared vision of Europe and address issues that are important to us.



SETTING THE AGENDA FOR EUROPE is a political LYMEC campaign with a threefold aim:

– Firstly to raise awareness about issues that are important to young people;
– Secondly, to put pressure on European leaders and prompt them to react and put those issues on their agendas;
– Thirdly, to present and promote a liberal youth vision for Europe via concrete liberal ideas and solutions.

By taking the floor, being critical and showing initiative the campaign also seeks to influence European political agenda. In addition, it also aims to present and promote a liberal youth vision for Europe via concrete liberal ideas and solutions to the issues raised by this campaign.

The campaign will center around 4 key issues: migration challenges, youth unemployment, youth participation and climate change. These issues have been at the heart of recent discussions in LYMEC and are of significant importance to young people. Each issue will be covered by an extensive communications campaign which will aim to identify the issue, raise awareness, draw attention and present liberal youth solutions to it.

THE REPORT: One of the main goals of the campaign is to present and promote a liberal youth vision for Europe. The pinnacle of the campaign will be the official summary report which will outline the campaign, classify the issues raised
by the campaign.
Each issue will have a list of “action points” which will serve as recommendations for European political leaders. The report will be published in October/November and will be shared with relevant stakeholders and member of LYMEC.